The Curtain Call: Choosing the Right Window Drapes

Window Drapes

Curtain comes from the Greek word “aulaia”, “cortine” in French and “cortina” in Late Latin. It is said that the Greeks hung clothes by the “aula” (door) to separate the courtyard from the inside of the house.

Shining Through

Putting drapes by the door is still practiced in modern times. Aside from portieres (fabric hanging by the door) as a form of decoration, windows have also been adorned by it.

Adorning the windows isn’t the only purpose; it is also intended to block a certain amount of light from permeating into a room. Light isn’t the only thing it blocks, it also keeps you from looking out or being seen from the outside. The thickness or thinness of the fabric determines the extent of indoor illumination and visibility.

Material Strength

The strength or durability of the material is also important; curtains are also part of a family’s heritage, which can be passed on from one generation to another. Its thickness determines the amount of daylight and UV rays that break through the fabric.

Insulation is another supplied function of drapery installation. This is particularly beneficial for those living in cold countries or climates. The thicker it is the better the cushion against cold temperature.

Fabric of Substance

Your choice in fabric depends on the purpose or need for your hangings. Here are some choices to consider:

• Cotton – a cheaper alternative with versatile properties. It can be sewn in different ways to achieve various effects; easy maintenance is another attribute of the fabric.

• Linen – this popular textile can be heavily or lightly entwined; it can be entwined and fashioned in many different styles. In spite of its popularity, wrinkle formation is a downside for this material.

• Silk – the most expensive fabric to date. Similar to linen, it can easily be fashioned. This type of tapestry is hung over formal windows. A major downside is deterioration due to sunlight exposure.

• Wool – cold climates and this textile work well together. Sewing it with heavy fabric allows the material to naturally hang. Aside from acting as an insulator, it also has an elegant chime to it.

• Synthetic – polyester and nylon are also growing in popularity. They’re stable and easy to clean.

Tailored to Fit

There are many different tapestry styles both decorative and purposeful. Here are a few suggestions:

• Door Panel – Stylish and elegant fabrics for your French and sliding doors or your storefront windows; choose from lace, bamboo or chiffon fabric.

• Blackout – Its fabric is double-woven, intended to ward off illumination and insulates during cold season. It also acts as a sound barrier giving you a good night’s sleep.

• Embroidered – Embellished with decorative stitches, it may cover the whole window or a part of it such as those with tiers. Fabrics may be translucent or opaque and scalloped with designs.

• Printed – Fabrics with designs work well with your windows; whether window or floor length tiered or not, the prints add life to the room.

• Lined – Symmetric and geometric are favorite designs when buying hangings. Fabrics can be mixed to give off a classic feel.

• Laced – just like embroidered drapery, this fabric says elegance all over it. Its light material makes any room feel breezy and playful. The interplay of tiered laces adds volume to this fabric.

Every room deserves unique curtains that speak about the room’s occupant or a conjunct theme. It’s about time you venture into new materials and pieces for your home.

Learn more about the impact of light colored curtains in a room, on this website: